Win It! Custom Print tree from real woodcuts
A custom tree woodblock printing would be the perfect ornament for your entrance reception? We believe that these guest book-alternatives are an idea so sweet, making for a piece of art keepsake for years to come. Lindsey, the designer of woodcuts, creates each piece a woodblock print carving. Then, you Customize the press with the name and date. The prints come with two coloured ink pads for fun print thumb! We have a custom print at stake with the name of a player's wedding project on it (literally)!
Enter to win a custom tree ($ 86) us by leaving a note in the comments below, tell us where you and your boyfriend met! We'll draw one winner at random after the closing of the competition- 12 pm PST Tuesday, May 24,. See for official rules.
For the remainder of May and throughout June, Lindsey offers a 15% discount to all readers PW on designs of woodcuts. You can even email you directly (lindseytrueman {@} or find his work at etsy shop Bleu de toi . Use code PROJECTWEDDING.
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